

Success Stories

My uric acid was and cholesterol level has gone down & is maintained now.
Got to a better daily routine and healthy eating and eating lifestyle.
Had a wonderful experience and great guidance by Dt.Syeda Aziza.

Saeed Mohd

Lost 14 Kgs in 3 months

I am able to maintained & manage my healthy lifestyle with portion control & 10k walking, was enjoying all the meals. Thank you nutricaid for turning my “cannots” into “cans”
Had a great guidance by Dt.Syeda Aziza


Lost 12 Kgs in 1.5 months

The diets are super easy to make for the most part, every recipe was sent. The 10k steps per day is easier than you realise, the diet was changed and I was adviced how to keep my muscles and ligaments health Dt.Syeda Aziza.

Samarth Hari

Lost 13 Kgs in 3 months

I’m happy to report that I bought new pants that were 2 pants sizes smaller. I wanted to thank you for what you taught me, I’ve implemented many things on a daily basis and continue to do them.

Ayoob Sharief

Lost 14 Kgs in 4 months

I got to know about NutriCaid from my brother in law & it was the right decision for me at right time. I have lost 7 kgs within 2 months even though I cheated my meal in between my diet, You helped me a lot with all the dietary changes. Thank you so much, Dt. Syeda Aziza


Lost 7 Kgs in 2 months

My Dietitian did a great job of understanding the way I work and providing insightful comments for ways of rethinking food, preparation, and planning. She was a great listener and extremely easy to open up to. I really enjoyed how we managed to change habits, set a strong baseline with good food preparation and planning, and providing a different perspective on nutrition seemingly without trying. I now feel I have a great system in place that I can build from. I think I came in expecting to be told that in order to get to my goals, I should do x, y, and z – and follow a, b, and c meal plans or e.g. don’t eat after 9 pm / stop eating bread, etc. i.e. a more prescriptive approach. Instead what we did was to look at my relationship with food, using the way I think, and a few simple mindset changes – a hugely more effective

Imrana Afroze

Lost 10 Kgs in 4 months

Really good nutritionist & helps you improve yourself internally… highly recommend

Fathima Munawara

Lost 20 Kgs

My experience has been great and has been a blessing. It was a bit hard for me in the beginning and gradually changed my daily routine as per your advice and guidance. To be frank I feel mental strength and physical strength during the diet period, as I told you before Thank you very much for your guidance and support.

Yasar Arafath

Lost 9.5 Kgs

Helped in the best way possible .. really understanding. The recipes are easy to make…. 10k walking seems a big step but she taught me that it can get easy just by walking 6k in the morning and the rest of the remaining day I can do it easily … Without exercise lost 5.2 Kgs really helpful.

Maryam Khalid

Lost 5.2 Kgs

Wow, great results never expected me to regain the physical shape than I was 10 years ago. Ms. Syeda Aziza Fatima is a one-of-a-kind nutritionist! She portrays a high level of professionalism and sincerity in every task she undertakes. Her comprehensive approach combined with cutting-edge interventions and in-depth personalized assessment and testing makes her a very unique dietitian/ nutritionist. The best part about her is that she advises you on easy and homemade food which you can cook easily and lose weight. She firmly believes in eating the right and balanced Indian diet which makes it even easier.

Rizwan Sayeed

Lost 12 Kgs

All thanks to nutricaid who helped me change my personality and myself and brought back my confidence that too with just controlling my diet and working out no other medicine or drinks …Thank u again.

Syed Haseeb Uddin

Lost 12 Kgs

Nutricaid has helped me lose 10 kgs in just 3 months. It has helped me not just to shed weight temporarily, but prompted me to adopt a healthy lifestyle forever. Also learned a few tips that contribute to good health like importance of adequate amount of sleep, sufficient water intake, meals at the right time etc which I used to neglect before. Many people think that to lose weight, you have to eat less and starve yourself but, nutricaid showed me that u can lose weight by having nutritious as well as tasty meals at frequent intervals. Thank you Dt. Syeda Aziza Fathima for assisting and supporting me to reach my goal and motivating me to adopt a healthy lifestyle ahead.

Dr Vinita Pillai

Lost 10 Kgs in 3 Months

Samia is one of the best dietician & the best part is she prepares our diet according to our taste. I will be always thankful to team NutriCaid for giving me the confidence & supporting me in my weight loss journey.

Nadeera Ahmed

Lost 7 Kgs in 1.5 Months

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement in my journey to stabilize health condition, in that process i have lost my 6 kilos off my body and . I have enjoyed eating the correct food and able to experience for different varieties of “healthy” food to make my meals tasty & nutritious

Abdul Rub

Lost 6 Kgs in 1.5 Months

I used to be lethargic because of inappropriate diet intake. But after undergoing this program I came to know what are my deficiencies and I overcame all of them. Now I am physically strong, fit and Active always. After all this, I felt so positive with Nutriacid team’s guidance and support and enrolled my mom as well. Reaching Nutriacid and changing our daily routine filling all the gaps is the best step of our lives. They supported guided very keenly and appropriately. They scrutinized every flaw in us and fixed the best. My mother is better than before in all the ways. Never think this is a online program and Doctor is away from you. Trust me They do their best and thus we need to cooperate with them. Thank you so much Nutricaid. My family is grateful for you. You Are worth every penny.

J. Hiemabindu

Lost 8.25 Kgs in 3 Months